Saturday, November 14, 2009


Dear sweetheart.

We got the happy news on 11/10/2009 while mama was in the hospital. Your dad was in a daze but excited with the news.

I saw your heartbeat on 26/10/2009 . I smiled to myself when I saw ur tiny heartbeat on the screen. Mama was actually warded for the 3rd time.

October month was a stress month for me and your Abah. Mama decided to go for surgery on 30/10/2009.

Mama and Abah went to check on you on 9/11/2009 , but Mama sensed something is wrong . And that sense was confirmed went we couldn't find your heartbeat. My heart sank. Mama took blood test to confirm doctor's suspicion.

Came back to hospital 2 days after that. Went in the morning to give some blood sample and came back to the hospital in the afternoon. The blood test confirm that you are no longer growing inside my tummy. Mama didn't know what to feel there and then.

On 12/11/2009 , some spotting was seen.

On 13/11/2009, more blood came out and felt like a period.

On 14/11/2009, 3:00pm, Mama felt pain that was excrutiating and gave Abah the signal that Mama wants to go home. Mama went straight to the bathroom and sat there with the shower head running. 3:30pm, sweetie you came out at 8 weeks . Mama broke down and cried sayang...

Your Abah was there, and was strong for Mama.

We love you, Goodbye Love..