Thursday, April 30, 2009

Submitting My Taxes

I did it!! @ 2.46am on April 30th,2009.

I have procrastinate about it quite a while. Even though I have taken my E-Filing Pin No like 2 months ago. It still took me till the last day to submit it.

Probably, I was a bit scared to submit it since I didn't actually understand what, where and how I was suppose to fill up the blank e-form. People say do E-Filing is easy peasy. Perhaps it was and I was just to scared to do it. What if I did it wrongly and I ended up in jail for submitting my tax wrongly (drama mama).

Anyhow, after getting consultation from her (thank you.!), I finally got some courage to click on the submit button.

Next year's resolution. Submit it 2 weeks before deadline!

Now i can sleep peacefully.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Earth Week

It wasn't as hyped as the 'earth hour' campaign that happened around the month of March. Earth Day came in quietly and this year its celebrated on April 22, 2009. To me, Earth Day is more on your own self reflection. Have you ever thot of what sort of earth you would like your children to live in the next 20 years?

I did and because of that I pledge to practice this 4R - rethink-reduce-reuse-recycle. I'm not going to preach you about it. Its quite simple to understand the meaning behind each word. Go it. :).

Here's some snapshot of Earth Week in Ik.ano.

Ancient American Indian Proverb
Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.

Friday, April 24, 2009

My First Digital Camera

It was a So.ny Cyber.Shot D.SC-P.8. It was a small compact point and shoot camera. I loved it! I had to beg my mom to allow me to purchase it back in 2003 with the reason I need it for my college project.

Lil did I know that I would fall in love with photography all together. I think there was a time my friends was feeling disturb with my hobby. Snapping picture all the way non-stop. Back then, there was no such term as cam.w.hore. People were still shy-shy to take picture's of themselves in public. My kiasuness of taking picture by myself is because people who tend to snap a picture of me must have shaky hands and the end result would be a blur picture.

My love for photography sorta died off when my hubby changed my camera (since the old one sorta busted). He couldn't find the right point and shoot that I like. Every time I took a candid picture, the outcome is a blurry image. I don't really like to use the camera's internal flash that much, more on natural lighting.

The love, suddenly rise again. I dabbled into DSLR (it took me a while, because DSLR is damn heavy) It's my hubby's offcourse. I can't afford to buy one for myself. But, the joy of taking pictures and seeing the pictures come alive kinda put a smile on my face.

I wish to continue again my love for photography, that is the intention of opening of this blog. Hope to capture my journey - behind the lense.